Successful 10th day of the 13th School for Young Leaders of President Ivanov
Today the participants of this year’s School for Young Leaders, together with former President Ivanov, visited the Municipality of Ohrid. The Mayor of Ohrid Mr. Kiril Pecakov, addressed the attendees, wished them successful work and encouraged them to continue to improve in every field.
Members of the Ivanov School for Leaders Alumni Association (ISLAA) presented the activities that this organization had in the past period. They emphasized the importance of networking with young people of different profiles from all over the world, which is actually the purpose of the existence of this School for Young Leaders.
The day continued with a visit to the digital monument of the virtual Grigor Prlichev, placed in the centre of Ohrid, and presented by its creator, Prof. Dr. Anis Sefidanis.
Then they had the opportunity to take a short walk around the city.
In the afternoon, the participants followed the lecture of Mrs. Gordica Karanfilovska, which was dedicated to leadership and its characteristics, and it prompted many questions from the participants, which were answered with particular attention.
Then followed the work in groups led by Prof. Dr. Viktorija Trajkov, who successfully mentors them in the process of creating the projects that will be presented and evaluated tomorrow.
Link to the post on FB of the School