Successful 2nd day of the 13th School for Young Leaders of President Ivanov
The lecture took place online on the Zoom platform.
The introductory session and the moderation of the second lecture were led by Gordica Karanfilovska, former Project Coordinator of the School for Young Leaders of President Ivanov, 2010-2015.
In the introductory session, the participants were presented with the Code of Conduct of the School and they were invited to share something more about themselves, in order to get to know each other.
In the second part, the participants followed the lecture of Mr. Aco Momcilovic, co-founder of the Global Al Ethics Institute in Croatia. His address was about new theories of leadership, that is, whether morals and ethics are part of global leadership skills. Momčilović paid particular attention to the current trends, pointing out specific examples from everyday life, which enabled the attendees to create a realistic picture of the current situation on a global level. It also explained in detail the five basic pillars of moral leadership. Thus, the participants gained an excellent basis for the further lectures that will be held as part of this year’s School, and the confirmation of this was a particularly great activity in the section that was intended for questions.
Link to the post on the FB page of the School